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Standard 6: Assessment

“The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.”


Art 1: In Process Walk About During Gesture Drawings


A walk about is usually done with works in progress to nearly finished. What happens is everyone pauses where they are at, cleans materials and clutter off of their artwork, and stands up. We moved as a group around the room, pausing for 5-10minutes at each group of artworks. I modeled how to approach a table of art: “How did you create that cast shadow? What was challenging for you? What went well? How did you draw those bristles on the paint brush?” asking these questions directly to one or multiple artists at that table. Then I tried to have students run the show. I would still encourage students and help lead, but in one class students were eager to ask questions.


The value of a walk about is that it gives students a moment to step away from their artwork and look at it from afar, they get to see and listen to other techniques that students are using, and they practice talking about art with a focus on the process of art-making. 


Moving forward I am excited to learn more about self-assessments for all ages, to help students grow a better understanding of where their understanding is at and develop their intrinsic desire to learn.







6(f) Models and structures processes that guide learners in examining their own thinking and learning as well as the performance of others.

6(e) Engages learners in multiple ways of demonstrating knowledge and skill as part of the assessment process.

6(q) Is committed to engaging learners actively in assessment processes and to developing each learner’s capacity to review and communicate about their own progress and learning.

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