Standard 10: Collaboration
“The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.”
10(t) Embraces the challenge of continuous improvement and change.
10(f) Engages in professional learning, contributes to the knowledge and skill of others, and works collaboratively to advance professional practice.
10(n) Knows how to work with other adults and has developed skills in collaborative interaction appropriate for both face-to-face and virtual contexts.
Collaborative Unit: Picasso and Polygons
Brewer High School math teacher Ange Szucs and I redesigned a unit that was developed last year by Lori and her called Polygons and Picasso. We added a preliminary activity and I got to introduce some art history to her math students, as well as try to help her students understand perspective and how to create it 2 dimensionally.
The preliminary activity that we created together had students working in groups and practicing simplifying images of animals into 10 or 5 polygon shapes. During the planning of this it felt good to bounce ideas off of each other, trust each others existing knowledge, as well as prep the materials needed together.
It was meaningful to be able to make a connection to art in a math class with some students who have yet to take a high school art class.
Moving forward I will work on bringing community members that are artists, curators, or people that practice making art but that is not their main profession (for example, a biologist that builds ceramic pieces) into my classroom.